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Notion Habit Tracker

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Notion Habit Tracker Database


The habit tracker has been pre-populated with all dates for this year (2023)

How to add more dates

⭐Use our free DatePop tool to add new dates to your Habit Tracker⭐ You can even use DatePop to add weeks to your habit tracker instead of days.


The tracker has been populated with 10 habits. Rename any of the habit columns and hide the columns you don't want to use.

View by current, week, month and year

You can view the tracker by current year, month and week using the predefined views. For example on Jan 1st the monthly view will display all the dates in Jan, it will automatically switch to show all dates in Feb on Feb 1st. You can also view the habits in a calendar view.


The progress column changes emoji based on the number of habits you tick off in a day. The default is:

☹ - 0 habits ticked off

💛 - 1 to 9 habits ticked (one 💛 per checked habit)

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 10 habits ticked off


The template comes with full instructions and formulas that allow you to change which emoji's are used and how many habits are recorded

Example of one of the formulas in the instructions:
The below script has ☹ if no habits are ticked, 🙂 if 1 habit is checked, 💯 if all 10 are checked and 👍 for all other combinations:

(prop("Habit Count") == 0) ? "🙁" : ((prop("Habit Count") == 1) ? "🙂" : ((prop("Habit Count") == 10) ? "💯" : "👍"))

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Notion Habit Tracker

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